Irish luck? Hardly. Padraig Harrington's win at the British Open was far from perfunctory, as the Irishman shot a stunning final round 69 to polish off a second B.O. by four shots over Ian Poulter. (Yes, that Ian Poulter.) Harrington also eagled the par-5 17th in dramatic fashion, proving there was some "Tiger" out there despite the world #1 spending the weekend on his couch, eating Cheeto's or whatever it is he does when he's not playing golf.
Nevertheless, this is Golf Tips magazine, so we won't pretend to armchair report on the British Open. You can find the recap elsewhere. But, we will ask you, the reader, a question: Do you know what kind of clubs Harrington used to win? This year and last? For the scoop on his bag and a look at a company we can't wait to come back and join the ranks of the other golf equipment behemoths, click the link below.
Click HERE
1 comment:
Great to see him win. Way to go!
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