I admit, I peruse blogs rather often and I do so to catch up on what's going on at PGA Tour events. We GT editors don't get out more than a few times a year to catch an event, so it's nice to catch a little "Johnny-on-the-spot" reporting that you can find on some blogs.
I'll protect the blog of note since it's not the writer's fault, but I've seen my fare share of distracting ads on websites, none of which are so foul and grossly distracting as the image you see here. I mean, come on? Do you really expect me to click it and learn more? I don't know what the ad is advertising and I don't care. Oh, and I've seen this unsightly ad more than once. More than twice. Heck, I stopped counting at 7.
So do me a favor everybody, and let's keep these kinds of ads off our blogs. It's just plain gross. And hey, good thing our blog is ad free for the most part. And if you see an ad, I promise it'll be a golf ad, pertinent to the discussion.
Thanks. Now I'm going to go skip lunch and work out.
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