Normally, I'd post information on products in the ol' Ready To Buy blog, but in the case of Tri-Mark Golf, I'm not exactly sure if most of our webveiwers would be ready to drop big bucks on what this company has in store.
In fact, I'm not even sure what the deal is with Tri-Mark as far as the company is concerned. I know they sponsor a celebrity event, but beyond that I'm not sure what's up. At first I thought the website had to be something of a farce or mockery, but again, I'm not sure. I don't know anyone who has actually bought something from there.
Anyway, Tri-Mark makes obscenely expensive ballmarkers. Yes, ballmarkers. The things you use to mark your ball on the green. And no, they don't cost $10, $50, $100, or even several hundred. Try nearly $10,000. Yeah. $10K for a ballmarker! The one in the photo is platinum with diamonds. (It's $9980.00 to be exact.)
For heaven's sake, man. A company making $10K ballmarkers ought to know they will be criticised for such a high price thingamajig, especially in the midst of this economic recovery. (Yes, it's recovering!) On one hand, I think it's ridiculous. On the other hand, I appreciate the audacity the company has in making it. On a third hand (if I had one), to each their own. Hey, if someone wants to blow $10K on a ballmarker go ahead. And to you who does buy it, what do you do, where do you live and can I have some of all that green stuff you seem willing to waste?
As for me, I'll stick with my current ballmarker. Not only is it $9979.99 cheaper, it works just fine and I can wear my ratty shorts with holes in my pockets and not worry about losing it. If not a penny, I might use a piece of Trident gum (I've actually used one.) Or a dead bug. Or a piece of wood...
The craziness ensues HERE.
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